Special Advanced Science & Engineering Program

In the Special Advanced Science & Engineering Programs, we select students with a high level of interest and curiosity about science and engineering. We provide special lectures to give them higher specialty, internationality, problem-solving abilities and leadership skills. We strive to foster the scientists and engineers who will play an active role as future regional and national leaders.

Features of This Special Program

  • Learning from other students beyond the framework of affiliated courses
  • Tutorial system
  • Assignments at laboratory
  • Attendance of Graduate School lectures
  • Training through internships at research organizations within Japan and overseas

Special Program Curriculum

In the Special Advanced Science & Engineering Programs, students acquire knowledge and specialization through the curricula of affiliated courses. At the same time, the students take special courses such as

  • subjects offering academic knowledge from a wider range of scientific and engineering fields
  • problem-based learning (PBL) subjects that equip them with leadership and cooperation skills
  • English courses and overseas training for English abilities that meet international standards
  • internships at research organizations
