Faculty Members KONNO Kouichi

  • Information
  • Design and Media

KONNO Kouichi


  • Computer, Intelligence and Media Technology
  • [Master's Program] Design and Media Technology
  • [Doctoral Program] Design and Media Technology

Degrees Obtained

  • Doctorate (Engineering) Field of Degree: Information Engineering

Fields of Research

  • Media Informatics
  • Archaeological Informatics


  • March 1985: Graduated from College of Information Science Department, Third Cluster of Colleges, Tsukuba University
  • April 1985 - December 1999: Ricoh Co., Ltd. Software Research Institute
  • December 1999 - March 2001: Lattice Technology Co., Ltd.
  • April 2001 - : Lecturer,. Computer Science Department (department discontinued), Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
  • 岩手大学工学部電気電子・情報システム工学科 (廃止組織)准教授 2009年4月~
  • 岩手大学工学部電気電子・情報システム工学科 (廃止組織)教授 2009年11月~
  • 岩手大学理工学部システム創成工学科 教授 2015年4月~

Research Themes

Research into data compression/transmission and virtual reality

My research involves virtual reality and the compression/transmission of data to create a fast and easy way of exchanging three-dimensional data over the internet. Specifically, we need a way to build a realistic display environment in which three-dimensional data can be transmitted to the virtual space from a remote location, where it can be physically touched and held. For example, I am developing a system in which objects in museum showcases, for example, can freely be touched.

Teaching Philosophy

IT professionals are needed who can communicate closely with non-expert users, understand their intentions and build systems. Thus I accept many international students and foster graduates with not just IT abilities but communication skills as well.