Message from the Dean

岩手大学理工学部 学部長   長田 洋

Iwate University Faculty of Science and Engineering Dean Hiroshi Osada

Discover the keys to solutions to the world's challenges.

 The Faculty of Science and Engineering at Iwate University is a place of education and research that plays an important role as a regional fountainhead of knowledge. We are committed to fostering human resources with an international perspective, broad knowledge, deep expertise, and a rich sense of humanity as global human resources, who will make a profound contribution to the formation of a sustainable society.

 The various challenges we face today are not merely local issues but affect the entire world. Conflicts caused around the world and global climate change are pressing issues occurring on our shared planet. We strongly believe that education and research are essential to the solutions to these problems.

 Education is a means of understanding different cultures and values and creating empathy through dialogue. The understanding fostered through education is the foundation for dialogue and cooperation, and can build a common understanding of international crises. Cross-cultural understanding fostered through learning can help move beyond conflict to peaceful coexistence.

 Research has the power to challenge the unknown and uncover the root causes of problems. For example, research that unravels the complex factors behind climate change and conflict can help find sustainable solutions. Scientific approaches provide dispassionate analysis and bring an objective perspective to decision-making.

 Cross-border cooperation is essential to address a variety of global issues. Education and research serve as a means for people from different countries and cultures to pursue common goals. The sharing of knowledge and understanding is increasingly necessary to build sustainable peace and prosperity.

 Education and research are the keys to providing hope and vision for future generations. By increasing knowledge, deepening understanding, and working together toward a sustainable future, we can build a prosperous world together. It is my hope that by educating and sharing knowledge among all people, we can deepen our common understanding, strengthen cooperation, and pave the way for solutions to our world's challenges.

 The Faculty of Science and Engineering at Iwate University, as a regional center of knowledge, has the Department of Chemistry and Biological Sciences (consisting of Chemistry Course and Biological Sciences Course), the Department of Physical Science and Materials Engineering (consisting of Mathematical Science and Physics Course and Materials Science and Engineering Course), and the Department of Systems Innovation Engineering (consisting of Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering Course, Computer, Intelligence and Media Technology Course, Mechanical Science and Engineering Course and Civil and Environmental Engineering Course).

 We invite you to come to our campus to study with us, research with us, increase your knowledge, deepen your understanding, and get the key that only you can find to achieve our common goal of prosperity for the entire planet.
