Faculty Members MINAMI Masaaki

MINAMI Masaaki
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- [Master's Program] Regional and Community Design
- [Doctoral Program] Systems Innovation Engineering
Fields of Research
- City Planning
- Transportation Planning
- Infrastructure Planning and Management
- 北海道大学大学院工学研究科土木工学専攻修士課程修了 1991年3月
- 山口大学工学部助手 1991年4月~2003年3月
- カリフォルニア大学バークレー校客員研究員 2002年4月~2003年3月
- 岩手大学工学部建設環境工学科(廃止組織)助教授 2003年4月~2007年3月
- 岩手大学工学部建設環境工学科(廃止組織)准教授 2007年4月~2008年3月
- 岩手大学工学部社会環境工学科(廃止組織)教授 2008年4月~2016年3月
- 岩手大学理工学部システム創成工学科社会基盤・環境コース教授 2016年4月~
- 岩手大学地域防災研究センター センター長 2014年4月~2018年9月
Research Themes
Approaches from City and Transportation Planning to Solving Regional Issues
In order to solve the problems of disadvantaged regions, such as disaster prevention and recovery, local cities, and aging society with low birthrate, I have conducted research on city and transportation systems that support these regions from the viewpoints of capability, social capital, and system redundancy.
Specifically, I have conducted practical research on disaster-resistant transportation systems, barrier-free urban spaces, sustain of local public transit, tsunami evacuation planning, and city planning for reconstruction and creation, using spatial analysis and social surveys in familiar fields.

Teaching Philosophy
In learning and research, I emphasize the independence to seek out challenges, investigate them and solve problems, along with a sociable nature to work in cooperation with the regional community. My students and graduates acquire advanced, specialized knowledge and techniques in urban, transportation and disaster planning and are able to contribute to the regional and international communities.