Faculty Members YAMAMOTO Hidekazu

Associate Professor
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- [Master's Program] Regional and Community Design
- [Doctoral Program] Systems Innovation Engineering
Degrees Obtained
- Doctorate (Science)
Fields of Research
- Engineering Seismology
- Geophysical Prospecting
- Natural Disaster Science
- Completed Geophysics Master's Program, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
- Geophysics Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University withdrawn
Research Themes
Using a geophysical exploration method to understand underground characteristics that are invisible from the surface
The safeties of ground structures such as buildings and bridges and of underground structures such as tunnels largely depends on the properties of the underground. For this reason, it is important to understand the properties of the ground in order for people to live safe and fulfilling lives. My research aims to understand underground conditions and characteristics, which are invisible from the surface, using a geophysical exploration method. I also conduct questionnaire surveys on seismic intensities with individual residents to obtain detailed information on seismic intensity distributions within a certain area following a large earthquake in order to estimate the degree of earthquake hazard.

Teaching Philosophy
I want to nurture students who are not only equipped with specialized knowledge, but also have the skills to be able to continue learning all their lives.