Faculty Members KAMOSHIDA Naoto

  • Energy
  • Physics
  • Construction
  • Disaster Prevention


Associate Professor

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • [Master's Program] Regional and Community Design
  • [Doctoral Program] Systems Innovation Engineering

Degrees Obtained

  • Doctorate (Engineering) Field of Degree: Resource Development Engineering

Fields of Research

  • Rock Mechanics
  • Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering


  • March 2002: Geoengineering, Department of Mining, Akita University Graduate School
  • April 1, 2005 - March 31, 2007: Assistant, Construction and Environmental Engineering (department discontinued), Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
  • April 1, 2007 - March 31, 2009: Assistant Professor, Construction and Environmental Engineering (department discontinued), Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
  • April 1, 2009 - March 31, 2016: Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering(department discontinued), Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
  • April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2020: Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Iwate University
  • April 1, 2020 - present: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Iwate University

Research Themes

The giant tunnel supporting our energy supply

Did you know that there is an oil storage facility in a giant underground tunnel in Kuji City, Iwate? This facility is extremely important for Japan’s security because we rely on imports for almost all our oil. In Japan there are three oil storage facilities and two oil and gas storage facilities in bedrock tunnel systems. I am conducting research for the construction of giant tunnels for storing the low-temperature liquefied fuels, such as natural gas and liquid hydrogen, that it is thought will provide most of our energy in the future. It has long been said that the bedrock foundations of important facilities such as power plants, huge dams and long bridges and the bedrock cavities of tunnels, etc., are strongly resistant to the shaking of earthquakes. However, as huge earthquakes have been occurring more frequently in recent years, there is a need to evaluate the earthquake resistance of bedrock structures such cavities and foundations. I am therefore investigating the impact of seismic motion on the mechanical properties of rock and bedrock.

Teaching Philosophy

Unlike general engineering fields, in which there is strict quality-control on materials, civil engineers are dealing with bedrock, which is a natural material. Quality control is not possible, making it a difficult material to work with for engineering uses. I try to provide guidance for students to cultivate a sense of how to handle this kind of bedrock.