Faculty Members OYANAGI Koichi

  • Environment
  • Energy
  • Physics
  • Electron
  • Metal


Assistant Professor

  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • [Master's Program] Materials Science and Engineering

Degrees Obtained

  • Doctorate (Science) Field of degree: Physics

Fields of Research

  • Spintronics
  • Magnetism
  • Condensed Matter Physics


  • Ph. D(Physics), Tohoku University, Japan 24/3/2020
  • Assistant Professor, Iwate University, Japan 1/4/2020 ~
  • Special Researcher (Adjunct appointments), Spin Caloritronics Group, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 1/1/2023 ~
  • Visiting Scientist of the Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR), Tohoku University, Japan, 1/4/2023 ~

Research Themes

Spintronics in nanostructure

We are investigating spintronics, a new technology, which uses electron charge and spin, simultaneously. Electron has two degrees of freedom, charge and spin. Using state-of-art nanotechnology, we design material structure and its spin states and develop new spintronic phenomena and functionalities in condensed matters.

Teaching Philosophy

We develop your research, problem-solving, and presentation skills through our education in the lab. Also, we encourage you to acquire the ability to identify problems to be solved.