Faculty Members UENO Kazuyuki

UENO Kazuyuki
- Mechanical Science and Engineering
- [Master's Program] Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- [Doctoral Program] Systems Innovation Engineering
Degrees Obtained
- Doctorate (Engineering) Field of Degree: Aerospace Engineering
Fields of Research
- Fluid Dynamics
- Aerospace Engineering
- Electromagnetic Processing of Materials
- March 1988: Graduated from Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
- September 1993: Completed Aerospace Engineering Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Engineering Kyoto University
- April 1993 - March 2001: Assistant/Lecturer, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
- April 2001 - March 2013: Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering, Tohoku University Graduate School
- April 2013 - present: Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
Research Themes
The flow of air, the flow of water, the flow of molten metal
I am conducting various studies based on fluid dynamics (the flow of water and air). Some targets of my research are aerospace, metal materials process and the flow associated with solid-liquid and gas-liquid phase changes. I am also conducting experimental research into the development of new airships and the development of magnetic suspension and balance for wind tunnels. I am attempting to predict the flow of various scales, from the flow around atmospheric entry capsules to the microfluidization around dendrite crystals, using numerical simulations.

Teaching Philosophy
I want to foster people who are not just satisfied with learning, but who want to create technology and knowledge.