Faculty Members YASHIRO Hitoshi

- Chemistry
- [Master's Program] Chemistry
- [Doctoral Program] Fundamental and Applied Sciences
Degrees Obtained
- Doctorate (Engineering) Field of degree: Chemistry
Fields of Research
- Corrosion Engineering
- Electrochemistry
- March 1982: Graduated from Applied Chemistry Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
- March 1984: Completed Master's Program of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, Tohoku University Graduate School
- July 1984: Assistant, Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
- July 1994: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
- March 2006 - Present: Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
Research Themes
Contributing to society through the research of metal corrosion
Metal corrosion is a threat to the safety and security of our lives, and also leads to great economic losses. Society has many needs, such as determining why things rust, how to prevent it, and how to detect it. My research aims to resolve these questions based in the knowledge of chemistry, thus contributing to society. I have recently been moving forward with research related to energy materials in particular, such as heat pump systems, fuel cells, and lithium ion battery materials.

Teaching Philosophy
I would like to cultivate a sense of social responsibility for engineers by focusing on pragmatic research themes based on social needs. I also aim to produce flexible technicians, backed by broad education and advanced specialized knowledge.